Redeemed Hymn 142 – Songs of Praise the Angels Sang

“Glory to God in highest.” -Luke 2:14

1 Songs of praise the angels sang,

Heav’n with alleluias rang,

When creation was begun,

When God spake, and it was done.


2 Songs of praise awoke the morn

When the Prince of Peace was born;

Songs of praise arose when he

Captive led captivity.


3 Heav’n and earth must pass away;

Songs of praise shall crown that day;

God will make new heav’ns, new earth

Songs of praise shall hail their birth.


4 And can man alone be dumb

Till that glorious Kingdom come?

No! the Church delights to raise

Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise.


5 Saints below, with heart and voice,

Still in songs of praise rejoice,

Learning here, by faith and love,

Songs of praise to sing above.


6 Borne upon their latest breath,

Songs of praise shall conquer death;

Then, amidst eternal joy,

Songs of praise their pow’rs employ.

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