Redeemed Hymn 109 – Father of Mercies, in Thy Word

“And thy word was unto me the joy of my heart” -Jer 15:16

1 Father of mercies, in Thy Word

What endless glory shines!

For ever be Thy name adored

For these celestial lines.


2 Here may the wretched Sons of want

Exhaustless riches find;

Riches, above what earth can grant,

And lasting as the mind.


3 Here the fair tree of knowledge grows,

And yields a free repast;

Sublimer sweets than nature knows

Invite the longing taste.


4 Here the Redeemer’s welcome voice

Spreads heavenly peace around;

And life and everlasting joys

Attend the blissful sound.


5 Divine instructor, gracious Lord,

Be Thou for ever near;

Teach me to love Thy sacred Word,

And view my Saviour there

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