Redeemed Hymn 89 – Lord. Thy Word Abideth

The word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever”-1 Pet. 1:23

1 Lord, Thy Word abideth,

And our footsteps guideth,

Who its thruth beleiveth,

light and joy receiveth.


2 When our foes are near us,

Then Thy word doth cheer us,

Word of consolation

Message of salvation.


3 When the storms are o’er us,

And dark clouds before us,

Then its light directeth,

And our way protecteth.

4 Who can tell the pleasure,

Who recount the treasure,

By Thy Word imparted

To the simple hearted?

5 Word of mercy, giving

Succours to the living.

Word of life, supplying

Comfort to the dying!

6 O that we discerning

Its most holy learning,

Lord, may love and fear Thee,

Evermore be near Thee!

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