“And on earth, peace, good will towards men.” -Luke 2:14
1 Peace on earth goodwill unto men
Was the song of the angels,
Shepherd abiding in the field,
Heard, and herald Jesus Birth.
2 ‘T was upon the mount of Judea
There was great light of stars seen
To guide the wise men on their way.
To look for this precious gift.
3 And the three wise men saw the light
As it was shown unto them
To the child they brought precious gifts.
Gold, silver and frankincense.
4 By the manger where Jesus laid
They fell and worship’d their King
In humble they offer’d their gifts
To Him that brought salvation.
5 Our Lord Jesus is born newly
As the year is passing by
In the heart of all His children
As foretold by the angels.
6 Behold we see the star newly
Like the time of Jesus birth
May His blessing be upon us
As the year is passing by.