Redeemed Hymn 51 – Eternal God! We Raise To Thee

“Praise ye the lord, sing unto the lord a new song”-Psalm. 149:1

1 Eternal God! We raise to thee,

Our songs of praise this solemn hour;

Now let Thy spirit make us free

To magnify thy grace and pow’r

We worship, and Thy name adore,

And thou are blest for evermore.


2 To thee all holy angels sing,

The seraph and the cherub throng,

Worship the everlasting King

In notes of unexpiring song;

Before thy throne their anthem raise,

And fill the heavens with their praise.


3 The God of patriarchs who face

Thy throne while round the seers stand,

Oh, how they magnify thy grace,

Delight to go at thy command;

The prophets and the saintly throng

Extol thy name with heavenly song.


4 The God of all the martyred host,

The slain upon the rock of shame,

Of thee they make their glorious boast,

And fall in wonder at thy name.

The church throughout remotest bounds

Now sings thy praise till heaven Resound!

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