Redeemed Hymn 74 – For Mercies, Countless as the Sands

“What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits towards me?”-Ps. 116:12

1 For mercies, countless as the sands

Which daily I receive,

From Jesus my redeemer’s hands,

My soul, what canst thou give?


2 Also, from such a heart as mine,

What can I bring Him forth?

My best is stain’d and dyed with sin

My all is nothing worth.


3 Yet this acknowledgement I’ll make,

For all He has bestow’d,

Salvation’s scared cup I’ll take

And call upon my God.


4 The best return for one like me,

So wretched and so poor,

Is from His gifts to draw a plea,

And ask Him still for more.

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