“I go to prepare a place for you” -John. 14:3.
1 O hear the song of rejoicing in heaven
The song of joy of the triumph of Christ
All enemies have bowed down their heads for
Sin and death and the cold, dark grave also. p
2 He is prepared to receive the kingdom
For God the father, creator of all,
He is prepared to receive a great praise
That’s meet for Captain of our salvation.
3 His departure was a thing of sorrow
For His chosen disciples who loved Him,
Do not despair was the word of comfort.
“I will go to prepare a place for you.”
4 The clouds received the Lord out of their gaze,
The firmament hid the Saviour from view,
The hosts of heaven burst out in shouts of joy
For the return of the Lord of glory.
5 Do not allow your heart to be troubled,
Jesus our hope shall surely come again;
He shall come to take His own people
where They shall live and reign with Him forever.