Redeemed Hymn 99 – Shine Thou Upon Us Lord

“And I will Be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thout shalt say-Exod 4:12

1 Shine Thou upon us Lord,

True Light of men, today,

And through the written word,

The very self display:

That so from hearts which burn

With gazing on Thy grace.

The little ones may learn

The wonders of Thy grace



2 Breath Thou upon us, Lord,

Thy spirits living flame

That so with one accord

Our lips may tell Thy name;

Give thou hearing ear,

Fix Thou the wandering thought.

That those we teach may hear

The great things Thou hast wrought.


  1. Speak Thou for us, O Lord,

In all we say of Thee;

According to Thy word

Let all our teaching be;

That so Thy lambs may know

Their own true shepherd’s voice

Where’er He leads them go,

And in His love rejoice.


4 Live Thou within us, Lord,

Thy mind and will be ours;

Be Thou beloved, adored,

And served, with all our powers;

That so our lives may teach

Thy children what Thou art,

And plead, by more than speech,

For Thee with every heart.

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