Redeemed Hymn 171 0 Day of Rest and Gladness

“First day… came Jesus and stood in the midst.” -John 20:19

1 O Day of rest and gladness,

O day of joy and light,

O balm of care and sadness,

Most beautiful, most bright!

On Thee the high and lowly,

Through ages joined in tune,

Sing, holy, holy, holy,

To the great God Triune.


2 On Thee, at the creation,

The light first had its birth;

On Thee, for our salvation,

Christ rose from depths of earth;

On Thee, our Lord victorious

The Spirit sent from heaven:

And thus on Thee most glorious

A triple light was given.


3 Thou art a port protected

From storms that round us rise;

A garden intersected

With streams of paradise;

Thou art a cooling fountain

In life’s dry dreary sand;

From Thee, like Pisgah’s mountain,

We view our promised land.


4 Thou art a holy ladder,

Where angels go and come;

Each Sunday finds us gladder,

Nearer to heaven, our home;

A day of sweet reflection,

Thou art a day of love;

A day of resurrection

From earth to things above.


5 Today on weary nations

The heavenly manna falls;

To holy convocations

The silver trumpet calls,

Where gospel light is glowing

With pure and radiant beams,

And living water flowing

With soul-refreshing streams.


6 New graces ever gaining

From this our day of rest,

We reach the rest remaining

To spirits of the blest.

To Holy Ghost be praises,

To Father, and to Son:

The Church her voice upraises

To Thee, blest Three in One.

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