Redeemed Hymn 164 On the Resurrection Morning

“…And have the keys of hell and death” – Rev 1:18

1 On the resurrection morning

Soul and body meet again;

No more sorrow, no more weeping

No more pain!


2 Here a while they must be parted,

And the flesh its Sabbath keep,

Waiting in a holy stillness,

Wrapt in sleep.


3 For a while the tried body

To its resting-place its borne

Till there dawns the last and brightest

Easter morn.


4 But the soul in contemplation

Utters earnest prayer and strong,

Breaking at the resurrection

Into song.


5 Soul and body reunited

Thenceforth nothing shall divide

Waking up in Christ’s own likeness,



6 Oh! The beauty, oh the gladness

Of that resurrection day

Which shall not through endless ages

Pass away!


7 On that happy Easter morning

All the graves their dead restore;

Father, mother, child, and brethren

Meet once more.


8 To that brightest of all meetings

Bring us, Jesus Christ, at last;

To Thy cross, through death and judgment,

Holding fast.

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